The continental France is located between the 42° 30 and the 51° North latitude, From an equal distance to the Equator and the North Pole.
France area : 551 695 KM2 square kilometers / (2130 Square Miles)
Numbers of Inhabitants : 62 000 000 ( 62 Millions consumers )
Paris and suburbs : 12 000 000 (12 Millions consumers )
The French trade is the 4theconomic power of the word, with 6,5 % of financial exchange closely follows the U.S.A (13,2 %), Germany (11,5 %), Japan (8%)
The French G.N.P. is the 4thof the word. 
According to French GNP per habitant, France takes the 10th Worlwide row for countries which accounts more than 1 Million of inhabitants with USD $ 21 000.
Good's shipment in France.
By road : 63 %
By railways : 19 %
Others : 18 %
( Airfreight, Seafreight )
We have commonborders with countries like Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Spain, Italy, Swizerland.
And since 1994 with the Great Britain through the opening of the channel tunnel under the sea ( English Channel )
West coast on the Atlantic Ocean Port of LE HAVRE.
South Coast on the Mediterranean sea Port of MARSEILLE.
France accounts 23 Millions of private vehicles ( the 5th Worlwide row ) 
France is member of European Union along with the following countries :
Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Portugal, Greece, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland Rep, Luxembourg, Finland, Island, Great Britain, Sweden.
Also there is no longer any border between these countries 1st January 1993 and good's transportation is free between France and above countries.
European Union area : 3 630 023 KM2 ( 14 015 Square Miles )
Numbers of inhabitants : 372 210 000 ( 372 millions consumers )
First commercial power of the World, the European Union achieves 20 % of international exchanges.
As the French population is 62 Millions of inhabitants, France takes the 4th line of European countries and the 20th world-wide row.
Status of France within the union :
Its trumps :
- France is located in the middle of Europe.
- France means : The infrastructure (motorways) is very important and complete and links France with all European cities.
- France infrastructures
Ocean freight :
Two main ports:

LE HAVRE ( one of the most important port of Europe )

MARSEILLE ( which offer very modern equipment's )
Air freight :
CDG Airport and Orly Airport are together a capital value in France transportation (complete and modern equipment). Located 13 KMS away from Paris city center.
Due to its geographical location, France has a privileged situation in Europe and will be the European crossroad.



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